Microsoft have announced that on 12/31/2010 their FRX Financial Report Writer will no longer be sold to those requiring a new license.
As of 12/31/2012 all Microsoft official support will terminate.
These are the latest dates that we have regarding the future of FRX support and availability. Since we expect some vendors to “self support” the report writer (including possibly Sage) you should check with your financial software supplier to see what their plans are for the product.
FRX Support Options – Post 2012
The question that we’ve been asked more frequently by both Sage and non-Sage users of FRX is what will happen after 2012. Will the FRX software stop working or are there alternate means by which users who are happy with their financial reporting can obtain support?
We provide support for FRX via our unlimited phone agreement (copy here). Other consultants will likely offer the same thing. When we spoke with Sage they were leaning toward (but not committing to supporting the FRX program beyond the 2012 end of life date).
You should consider that FRX (at least on the Sage MAS 90 level) has not been significantly upgraded since the last MAS 90 level service pack for FRX was issued dated December 2008 (Service Pack 10 for FRX v6.7).
Your Options
A. Self Support
Using internal resources, maintain your own help desk to answer user questions. If you’re already at this level then you probably are already also self-supporting. Remember that no new FRX modules/licenses will be sold after 2010.
B. Vendor Support
We think (though we’re not 100% sure yet) that you’ll see vendors like Sage (and others) offering to carry on the support for FRX during the period of time that they announce a transition to an as-yet unnamed financial report writer.
C. Use Third Party Support
Given that FRX has not had the need for a program patch since December 2008, you’re reasonably safe to continue using the program for at least the immediate future. Your main risk factor will likely be an incompatibility between FRX and a future operating system. However you’d likely know of such incompatibility months or years ahead of the time that you decided to upgrade operating systems.
Most consultants (including the ones you use to maintain your current financial software should be able to support you for the next few years. It would be prudent to begin the process of migrating your financial reporting to a new program just a soon as your vendor announces one.
Prior to 2010 you should plan to acquire any essential programs that you may need from FRX. If you need to acquire more licenses or remote you’ll need to do that before 12/2010.
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