Earlier this week Sage sent the following notice to Sage 100 users who had not yet upgrade from legacy ( Sage 100 2017 or earlier ) Payroll to the new Sage 100 Payroll 2.0.

Sage users who remain on legacy Sage 100 Payroll ( unsupported version 2017 or earlier) may encounter the following issues:
- No payroll programming changes to meet new tax requirements ( Warning: Not all tax changes can be accomplished by manually updating tax tables )
- No tax table updates ( During 2018 Oregon implemented a statewide transit tax effective July 2018 ( image above ) which required affected users to move to the current payroll as Sage did not upgrade the legacy program for these changes and there was no easy way to change the tax tables to capture the new tax)
- Tax tables in legacy Payroll may still be updated manually but some tax changes will require program changes ( see first item above )
- No further IRD ( Interim Release Download ) which updates Payroll for tax reporting changes – this increases the likelihood that you will be typing out your W-2s instead of printing them through Sage eFiling.
- Users on legacy Sage 100 Payroll ( version 2017 or lower ) will be unable to upgrade to any higher version of Sage since the current releases ( 2018+ ) all require the latest Payroll update
- No support for 2020 W-4 changes ( W4 changes explained here – pdf )
Given that payroll requires a high degree of accuracy to remain compliant I strongly advise you to remain current on the latest Sage 100 Payroll release. If you are using Sage 100 version 2017 ( or earlier ) Payroll then you should plan to upgrade before year-end.
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