If you’ve run into this error – Connection failure to host – NODELAY;STREAM – shortly after creating a new user account on Sage 100 Advanced or Premium – here’s the likely cause.
We’ve seen the issue in the setup of a new Sage 100 user login. On the Advanced or Premium version ( does not apply to Standard ) , you may find you must also check the “Spawn Tasks from Application Server” for any new user accounts if all your existing users also have that box checked.
In almost all cases we’ve seen if you have one user set up to “Spawn Tasks” then all users likely need to have the option enabled for all new users as well.
Sage has an extensive KB article in this issue which you should read here first prior to making any changes. There can be several reasons for this error message. In the article, they talk about other reasons and only touch on this fix toward the end. A quick review of the below option can often resolve the problem without having to replace files.
If you review other users in the User Maintenance screen and they all have the below box checked – and your user experiencing the error does NOT then it’s a good bet that checking the “Spawn Tasks… ” option will resolve your issue.
To set this option login to Sage and visit the Library Master – Main Menu – User Maintenance. Enter in the user code of the user experiencing the above error message. Check the second tab and if other users in the system also have this option check – ensure that this new user also has the “Spawn Tasks from Application Server” checked.

You should contact your Sage partner prior to making any changes. If you follow any steps in the Sage KB which require replacing files please be certain to save a copy of anything you replace prior to overwriting.
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