I’ve been working with Sage 100 version 2021 since shortly after it was released in April 2021. Installation was smooth with no issues. However, I have found one nagging problem and I think it’s environmental and not a Sage 100 v2021 bug.
During startup on my laptop I notice Sage 100 2021 Standard eventually froze with a “not responding” message in the title bar about 100% of the time.

In some cases this occurred immediately upon startup. In others it would be 3 to 5 minutes before the system froze.
At first, I thought the issue might be the adoption of Microsoft’s Edge browser technology for embedded web views. So I changed the default browser on my laptop to Edge. This didn’t resolve the freezes.
Eventually I noticed that the local Sage 100 folder used to maintain local user preferences for Sage 100 Standard was synchronizing through Microsoft One Drive.
I had installed One Drive previously and am using the option to synchronize desktop folders – Documents, Downloads, etc – between multiple computers logged into my Microsoft account.
This synchronization of the Documents folder which is where Sage stores a “Sage 100” folder to hold various local files was apparently causing a conflict. Once I disabled the synchronization of the “Sage 100” folder ( from within the Documents folder ) then all my issues with lockup’s and freezing with Sage 100 2021 Standard disappeared.
I found the easiest way to determine if the Documents folder is being synchronized is to open Windows Explorer and then right-click on the Documents folder and select properties.

If you see “One Drive” as part of the path to the Documents folder then you should review whether One Drive is being used to synchronize your Documents folder. If so, remove the Sage 100 folder from the synchronization and this freezing issue should cease.

I don’t have enough information to know whether all versions of One Drive ( Home, Business ) will impact Sage in the same way. The above was also only observed on Sage 100 Standard and it is unknown if this issue will occur on the Sage 100 v2021 Advanced or Premium versions.
It does not appear that this issue occurs with earlier releases of Sage 100. Changing other options on the One Drive sync also did not appear to resolve the issue ( Un-check Files On-Demand within the One Drive application, Selecting “Always keep on this device” for folders in Windows Explorer ).
If I find any additional or better information I will update this post.
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