Sage ERP MAS 90 and MAS 200 Product Update 3 has arrived. It was first made available on September 27 in Sage’s online support area. At the time there was no “what’s new” documentation to accompany it so it wasn’t readily apparently what — if anything — was in fact new to this product update.
Here are the highlights of this new MAS90 product update:
– Sage ERP MAS 90 and MAS 200 now compatible with Microsoft Office 2010
– Enhancements to Bank Reconciliation enable users to enter adjustments in Bank Reconciliation and have them flow to the General Ledger directly from the Check, Deposit and Adjustment Entry screens and from the Reconcile Bank screen.
– Security events for Bank Reconciliation – In Role Maintenance – “Allow Updating of Registers From Preview” has been added for the Bank Reconciliation Transaction Register. Also an option “Allow Access to the Select for G/L Posting Settings for Deposit and Adjustment Entries” have also been added as options for the Bank Reconciliation module.
– Paperless Office Options for Bank Reconciliation – Choose to print Bank Reconciliation Report and Bank Reconciliation Transaction Register by specific bank codes or by all bank codes. These reports can now use Paperless Office (print to PDF).
For a full list of the what’s new – check out the PDF below or visit Sage
If you are using Sales Order Entry and comment lines – then be sure to read about the bug that my 90 Minds Consulting Group discovered. Sage say’s they’re working on a fix. Users of Sales Order should consult their Sage Business Partner prior to installing PU 4 — and if their partner has no clue that there’s a bug – send ’em here.