We’ve heard from some users that after upgrading Sage 100 to version 2020 that they’ve experienced slower performance.

Slow performance can be cause by many things ( see below for a list of the top 8 reasons your Sage 100 might be slow ).
In many instances the slowness of a new Sage 100 upgrade can be traced back to overly aggressive anti-virus or malware scanners causing interruptions in processing.
The suggestions below may ( or may not ) help speed up your Sage 100 system. Prior to calling support I recommend walking through each and seeing if they might apply to your particular installation.
- Change the default printer to another physical or network printer and then test/check the performance
- Sage 100 Advanced and Premium looks at the default printer on the server every time a task is launched.
- Sage 100 Standard edition checks the workstation’s default printer.
- Make sure all Network Printers are on-line
- If a Network Printer is off-line and no longer needed, remove it from Control Panel, Devices and Printers
- Check the path
- For Sage 100 Standard, Workstation Setup should be installed from a mapped drive letter path, such that the shortcut to launch Sage 100 also has the mapped drive letter path. The drive letter must be mapped to a directory above “MAS90”
- For Sage 100 Advanced or Premium, Workstation Setup should be installed from a UNC path, such that the shortcut to launch Sage 100 also has the UNC path. The UNC share point must be a directory above “MAS90”
- Check that the latest Sage Anti-Virus setting exclusions have been applied
- Consider temporarily disabling anti-virus and malware scans
- This is trickier than it should be – and may require uninstalling and rebooting the server
- Consider setting Sage 100 so that the shortcut always “runs as administrator”
- Check ping times for Advanced/Premium
- PING servername -l 1800 ( Note the -l is lowercase letter L )
- Anything over 40 ms is slow and may be cause for further investigation
- Turn off the Sage Product Enhancement Program
- Login to Sage as Administrator
- Select Sage Product Enhancement Program
- Deselect “Participate in the Program” by removing the checkmark
- Never run Sage over WiFi without use of RDP or Terminal Server/Citrix
- Customers may refer to this as “using a VPN” but the VPN does NOT act as a remote desktop
- Customers running solely over WIFI or the Internet with RDP will see most pronounced slowdowns in printing
All information was drawn from this Sage KB article – Slow performance when opening a new task or starting Sage 100, or when running Sage 100 across a network
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