If you are setting up MAS 90 or MAS 200 under Terminal Server/Citrix and attempting to use Paperless Office for your forms/reports you may receive one of the following errors:
1. Unable to process lockfile
2. Unable to initialize PDF Viewer
UPDATE OCTOBER 2011: See this “Best article on solving Sage ERP MAS90 paperless office printing problems” which contains an updated and more complete list of resolutions for the typical problems encountered while using paperless office within MAS90 or MAS200.
While there may be other resolutions (One possible cure for which is described in the Schulz Consulting Knowledgebase and involves registry entry changes which you should be extremely careful with), we’ve seen the following steps work to eliminate both of the above error conditions:
Unable to initialize PDF Viewer by selecting “run as administrator” for the MAS200 installation. It appears that this only must be done once and that after the initial time of starting the MAS 200 workstation that the proper DLL (we think cdintf.dll) is then registered.
In order to overcome the “unable to process lockfile” try temporarily adding the user to the “power users” group on the Terminal Server. Re-run the setup of paperless office (this is in Company Maintenance – Email – Advanced).
It appears that both issues are user rights related.
Once the above is done you may be able to successfully test the PDF viewer with no errors.