I just received the following notice from Paul Ziliak that his firm, MicroAccounting Chicago has changed their name to xKZero. You’ll have to read down a little to see how they came up with the name (if you can’t stand the suspense then let’s just say it’s largely the partners’ initials plus ERO for Enterprise Resource Optimization).
Paul’s active on LinkedIn and while his firm is not the same MicrAccounting that was merged into MIS Group, they did have some informal agreements that allowed them to share the name and some of the resources.
Effective immediately MicroAccounting Solutions – Chicago begins doing business under a new name: xKZero.
We are tremendously excited about the rebranding of our company and we expect that as friends and colleagues of ours you will see how the xKZero name reflects more clearly who we are.
The most immediate impact of the name change is reaching us via email. Effective today please update all of your microaccounting.com (or misgroupusa.com) email addresses with xkzero.com email addresses. Our email address schema remains the same as before – first initial/lastname @xkzero.com, so Kathy Potter is now at kpotter@xkzero.com, Paul Ziliak is pziliak@xkzero.com and so on.
Our main phone number remains 847.292.4466 and our address remains the same except for the name change: xKZero, 5600 N. River Road, Suite 800, Rosemont, Illinois 60018. Our website www.xkzero.com is under development by American Eagle of Park Ridge, Illinois. A temporary site is currently up pending final development.
Why the name change? The services we provide moved far beyond accounting solutions long ago. Enterprise Resource Optimization is our real specialty (that’s the ‘ero’ part of the name. The partners in the company, Emre Karaca and Paul Ziliak provide the “KZ” and our clients provide the variable “x”. So there you have it – xKZero – We Solve for X.
xKZero provides Enterprise Resource Optimization services for organizations using Sage MAS 90, Sage MAS 200 and Sage MAS 500 throughout Chicago and the Midwest. With uncommon attention to detail and design, we provide the highest quality service in our industry. Our clients know our staff as the finest talent – creating with them refined and increasingly automated processes to meet manufacturing, distribution, service management, and financial information needs. Our target clients range from small businesses to some of the most recognizable mid-enterprise companies in the Midwest.
Our name change marks the beginning of a new era for us. The vision, goals and bottom line improvement for all of our clients guide everything that we do. In the near future we will roll out new client programs and offerings that reflect this commitment to you.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions.
Best regards,
Paul Ziliak
cell 773.842.0662
Emre Karaca
cell 847.754.1269
p.s. The microaccounting.com email addresses will still be received by us for a short time longer, but the misgroupusa.com emails will not reach us.