If you’ve been trying to access the online knowlegebase or download any service updates, PDF files or tax table updates – be advised that the Sage servers appear to be down since about 10am EST Wednesday 4/14/10.
Sage acknowledges the downtime on their site in a posting (shown above) stating that the Sage BusinessWorks, SalesLogix, MAS90, MAS200, MAS 500, Extended Enterprise and PFW knowledgebases are down for maintenance.
Such prolonged mid-week downtime is very unusual as most routine server maintenance happens over the weekends. While logins to the support area are still possible, it appears that large portions of the back end for Sage’s support site have been taken off-line.
It’s presently (as of 4/15/10 9:45 am) not possible to download many (if not all) product updates, PDF files or to search the online support knowledgebase for the affected products.
At least two consultants say they witnessed odd warning messages or alerts about their computer needing to perform some type of scan. This occurred during routine attempts to access the Sage KB. Shortly after receiving the message they say that the KB access went offline.
We have a request into Sage for an update and will post additional information as it becomes available.