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Tango Marketing introduces Star Email Drip Marketing

If you are looking for a way to keep in close touch with your customers and prospects but find it difficult to constantly think up with new topics for email marketing you may want to talk with the folks at Tango Marketing.
Sometimes it seems almost impossible to come up with fresh interesting topics for newsletters. Surely the first few articles are easy to write. By the 5th or 6th article most people begin to struggle for fresh content.
Tango Marketing offers a series of professionally designed and informational email marketing templates that help you do away with writer’s block.
The bundles of templates are pre-formatted for Switftpage Drip Marketing (email service) as well as eligible for Sage Co-op (60-70% of cost reimbursed depending upon available funds).
A wide range of topics is available to select from. Once you’ve selected your topic you can send the information via email as well as post it to your web site for future reference by your customers and prospects.
For more information give Joan Ciamaga (shown below when she visited CT on a recent trip) a call at (425) 673-5300 ext. 116. Joan is a Sage alumni who now works for Tango Marketing. You can email her at

Here’s a list of Tango Marketing topics available:
Link: Tango Marketing