Sage has just released this four page “What’s New in MAS 90 and MAS 200 4.4” brochure. The document is a high level overview of the enhancements to the desktop, increased customer number (20 characters) and inventory item numbers (30 characters) as well as other important enhancements to MAS 90 and MAS 200 that will appear when version 4.4 ships in February 2010.
What’s New In MAS 90 and MAS 200 4.4: Free Anytime Learning
Are you getting excited for the next release of MAS 90/200 version 4.4? Having trouble sleeping at night because you feel like you just don’t have your finger on the pulse of the changes that will occur in your Inventory, Bill of Materials or Purchase Order module (not to mention the other module updates)?
Here’s your chance to get a free look at the new features. Sage offers an Anytime Learning Course for free to those who are Business Partners or Customers.
To view the course simply visit Sage Software University. Register (or supply your user name / password if you already have one) then once inside click this link and you’ll see the page below.
Select the What’s New in MAS90200 4.4 and you can register for free to view this update.
It does not appear that this training is available in the Sage Partner section of Sage University – instead you should go into the regular Sage MAS 90 and MAS 200 section listed under Accounting /ERP (or just use this link).
MAS90 4.4 Beta Now Open To All Partners

Due to popular demand and your valued feedback, we are opening up the Beta portion of the Program to all Partners.
We have extended the Application deadline to July 20th to accommodate your decision to participate. If you have already applied, please ignore this email.
Please Note: There will be no incentives offered to single Partner participants that do not bring an end-user in to the program. Sorry for the earlier confusion.
Join the Sage MAS 90 and 200 Version 4.4 Beta Program!
We are now recruiting partners to participate in the beta program for Sage MAS 90 version 4.4 and would like you to join today! The scheduled beta release date is August 24, 2009.
Participating in this beta will give you a chance to familiarize yourself with this new release, and determine which of our joint customers will benefit from the new features and enhancements. It will also give you the opportunity to provide feedback to Sage regarding the enhancements and gain early insight into how well these new features will be received by customers and prospects. Enhancements include:
· Ability to Expand Customer No to 20
· Ability to Expand Item Code to 30
· New Physical Count Functionality
· New Business Framework Abilities in IM, PO and BOM
o Dual Grid Entry
o Batch Manager
o Memo Manager
o Add UDFs to Virtually all Tables
· View Alias Items Throughout System
· Standard Cost Adjustment with Automated GL Account Update
· Standard Cost Items Valued at $0
· Auto-Generate a Single Order for Multiple Items to Same Primary Vendor from a
Sales Order
· Drill Down & Around in Bill of Material & Where Used Inquiries
· Parallel Migration – Migrates Current Data & System Information to New Installation
Partners who bring a Controlled Release Customer will receive:
· Access to 4.4 MAS 90 Anytime Learning Courses for 1 year*
· Waive 4.4 MAS 90 Certification Fee
· Entry into drawing for a free Insights 2010 Registration
Customers involved in the Beta Program will receive:
· Access to 4.4 MAS 90 Anytime Learning Courses for 1 year*
* Must register for ATL courses within 90 days of date on beta participation certificate.
All Sage MAS 90 and 200 partners are eligible to apply. Each partner must commit to bringing one customer into the beta program for controlled release participation. Space is limited, and Sage will review all applications and determine which partners and customers to enroll in the beta program. We need participants from a variety of industries. Do you have one or more customers who would like to upgrade and/or need these new features?
Requirements for participation include:
1. Complete and return the beta and/or controlled release application
2. If accepted, sign and return the non-disclosure agreement, attend the beta kick-off webcast, attend Anytime Learning Training prior to the beta start date
3. Advise Sage beta contact, Program Management Team at of the scheduled installation date, and when the installation has been completed
4. Spend 5 hours per week during initial two week partner beta to familiarize yourself with the new product features
5. Customer site running live on controlled release build (not applicable to Beta-only Participants)
6. Submit weekly status reports using our online beta reporting tool each Wednesday

We are looking for customers with a variety of system scenarios to participate in this program. Ideal candidates will meet one or more of the following system test requirements:
· Currently running on any 3.71, 4.x version of Sage MAS 90 and 200 and will migrate to 4.4
· Currently has a large Inventory data set
· Currently uses the Inventory Management, Purchase Order and Bill of Materials modules
· Currently has Lot and/or Serial Items
· Currently uses Average Cost
· Currently uses Standard Cost with Manufacturing
· Currently uses Landed Cost with Allocated Cost
· Uses Drop Ship
Note: We need to know all 3rd party add-ons and customizations that customers have before determining if they are eligible to participate. If a customer has other Sage Software Integrated Solutions or extensive customizations they are not immediately disqualified from the program.
Send the completed attached application to
Want to beta MAS90 4.4?
Sage is officially opening up their beta program for customers who would like to volunteer for the initial controlled release of MAS 90 version 4.4.
Target for beta/controlled release to begin: Summer 2009
Requirements to participate in the controlled release/beta:
- No enhancements
- Need for large customer and inventory item numbers
- Desire to implement new features
- Any Sage Partners looking to participate in the beta must have a customer in the program as well
Target Final Release Date: Late 2009
Interested in serving as a beta site?
Send email to marissa.sarreal and be sure to add in the to the end.
Sage MAS 90 and MAS 200 version 4.4 preview web seminar February 6, 2009 1pm EST
The latest version of Sage MAS 90 and MAS 200 version 4.4 will be previewed in a free web seminar on February 6, 2009 at 1pm EST.
The modules which are slated for upgrade are: Inventory, Bill of Materials and Purchase Order.
Join Roberta Vigil, product manager, as she steps through a demonstration of the Sage MAS 90 and 200 new features.
Official Description:
Join us for a preview of the new features and enhancements available in the upcoming version 4.4 release of Sage MAS 90 and 200. Presented by Product Manager Roberta Vigil, this session will provide an overview of the new and improved functionality being introduced through business framework for Inventory Management, Purchase Order, and Bill of Materials planned for release later this year.
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