Problem / Description:
Unable to print this report while G/L transactions are being updated
- File
- Run
Other Information (Links/Sage KB/Additional Tips):
Another user may be printing a General Ledger report or updating to General Ledger from another module. Wait until the other user is finished before proceeding. If the error persists perform the following:
4.0 or later:
Rerun Workstation Setup. For more information, see How to install Workstation Setup for Sage MAS 90 and 200.
If the error persists, have all users exit Sage MAS 90 or 200, and reboot the workstation and server (if necessary).
3.71 of and before:
Have all users exit Sage MAS 90 or 200 and run the GLWSJA program to clear any flags.
Note: Do not perform this procedure if any user is printing G/L reports or updating to G/L.
Verify that all users have closed Sage MAS 90 or 200.
1. From the Launcher, select File / Run.
2. Enter “GLWSJA” (without quotes) in the ‘Program Name’ field, and click ‘OK’.
3. Click ‘Yes’ to purge the update from SY0CTL.
4. If the error persists, manually delete the record from the SY0CTL file using Data File Display and Maintenance.
5. Note: The actual SY0CTL record being written has the key [ABCRPTTxx,] or [ABCUPDTxx] where ABC represents the company code, RPT indicates a G/L report is being printed or UPD indicates a journal/register is being updated to General Ledger and Txx indicates the workstation/terminal ID in its compressed form.
6. Open Library Master / Repair / Data File Display and Maintenance.
7. In the ‘File Name’ field, enter “SY0CTL.SOA” (without quotes).
8. Click the ‘Key Scan’ button, and select the record.
9. Click the ‘Delete’ button.