Have you heard about Twitter?
If you’re not familiar with Twitter, it’s a short messaging (140 characters maximum) service that lets people post periodic updates about what they’re doing.
These short messages can be a way to keep in touch with friends and family. The act of reading someone’s Twitter messages (called Tweets) is usually accomplished by subscribing to their Twitter stream.
There are also automated tools that let you send short messages automatically to Twitter. Some web sites use these to send out notices to their frequent visitors to alert them to new content which has been posted on the site.
The Sage Software Community Forums have their very own (unofficial) Twitter account that does nothing but send out notices when there is new message activity in the forums.
You can join Twitter here and then click on http://www.twitter.com/sageforums to follow the automated messages.
If you like, you can even modify your Twitter account so that you automatically get SMS text messages to your cell phone each time a new message is posted on the Sage forums.