Sage released the first product update for Sage 100 version 2021 on June 23, 2021. This update includes fixes since the 2021 version was first released in April 2021.

One of the fixes included in this product update is to move the user folder from {user}\Documents\Sage 100 to {user}\AppData\Local\Sage 100. The prior location was conflicting with some configurations where Microsoft One Drive also attempted to synchronize the users local Documents folder.
Product Update 1 also includes the newly updated Amyuni PDF driver. Previously Sage had issued this as a hotfix to correct issues which might occur during a Microsoft update which also modified the version of the Amyuni. After this update you’ll need to manually run the PL_AdvancedOptions_UI on each workstation ( local administrator rights required ).
Sage 100 v2021 Product Update 1 is available for download now ( LOGIN REQUIRED ). Read the list of corrections and enhancements included in PU1 here as well as the What’s New in Sage 100 2020.1 PDF.
Please note that product updates are cumulative and you will only need to load the latest product update in order to obtain the full set of fixes which may have been included in prior updates.
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