Sage MAS 90 and MAS 200: Error 12 SWCOCX 130, “A DLL is either corrupt, not been properly registered, or incorrect version…”, when printing graphical forms or Crystal reports
Prior to Sage MAS 90 and 200 3.71, Error 65 SWCOCX 8460 normally occurred under the circumstances listed below.
MASCR.DLL is missing from ..\Mas90\Home. Sage MAS 90 or 200 may have be upgraded from version 3.51 or prior versions, but Workstation Setup has not been run on the workstation.
Run Workstation Setup at the workstation (..\Mas90\Wksetup\Autorun.exe)
MASCR.DLL has not been properly registered. The user might not have sufficient permissions to register MASCR.DLL.
Give the user local Admin Rights, run Workstation Setup and print at least one graphical form or Crystal report from within Sage MAS 90 or 200. If this fails, open a command prompt and try manually registering MASCR.DLL using REGSVR32 (“regsvr32 mascr.dll”, no quotes).
Note: See Error 65 SWCOCX 8460 for instructions on registering MASCR.DLL.
Crystal Reports has incorrectly registered DLL’s for use by the computer’s system account.
Download the scr8_webregfix.exe from the following location:
Although the instructions for this patch indicate it is only for Crystal Reports 8.0, It will also work for version 8.5.
The executable file from the above download is a self executing zip file. Double-click the file and place the unzipped scr8_webregfix.exe file on the root drive (typically C:\) using Windows Explorer.
Open a DOS command prompt and type “AT time /INTERACTIVE CMD”. Where “time” is the system time plus 2 minutes. This command will open a 2nd command prompt window at the time specified.
At the second command prompt, change to the root directory and type “scr8_webregfix.exe”. Close the second command window after the program has run.
Test Crystal Reports. This can be done by manually registering the MASCR.DLL (see above) or by simply running a Crystal Report.
CRPE32.DLL may be damaged or missing.
1. Search the local drive for CRPE32.dll.
Note: The file is normally located in C:\Winnt\System32 or C:\Windows\System), but may appear in other folders.
2. Rename all occurances of the file (e.g. CRPE32.BAD).
3. Run Workstation Setup (..\Mas90\Wksetup\Autorun.exe)
Note: The renamed occurances of the file can be deleted after determining that no other programs are affected.
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