Problem: Paperless Office hangs on printing, creates an 0kb PDF, creates a locked/unopenable PDF or appears to print but no PDF is generated when printing to a Windows 7 64bit workstation via MAS 90/200
Set the Port and Security properties for the Sage PDF Converter Printer Object:
- Go to the Start Menu / Devices and Printers in Windows and Right click on the “Sage PDF Converter”
- Select “Printer Properties”
- Navigate to the Ports tab
- Click “Add Port” and Create a New Local Port called “Sage”
- Click Apply
- Navigate to the Security tab and add select the “Everyone” group. Select “Manage This Printer” and “Manage Documents” under the Permissions box
- Click Apply
- Accept all changes
Verify Patches and Registry Entries are in place (Read This)
If the Issue Persists, take three deep breaths and try the Additional Following resolutions:
Login to the affected machine as a Local Administrator with domain user rights
- If present, remove the ‘Sage PDF Converter’ print device from Devices and Printers.
- Right click on ..mas90\wksetup\Wksetup.exe and select “Run as Administrator” and uninstall then reinstall the workstation setup, also running as Administrator.
- Once this is done, process the steps in the first section again (Port/Security)
- Verify Permissions to HOTKEY CURRENT CONFIG/Software in the Registry (See Step 8 )
- Verify that there are no LockFiles Present (Here’s How)
- Remove and Reinstall the Sage PDF Converter using PL_AdvancedOptions_UI (Here’s How). Once this is done, process the steps in the first section again (Port/Security)
- Stop and Restart the “Print Spooler” service in Windows Services (Start/Run/Services.msc in Windows)
- Verify that the Users (and the MAS200 Service) have full control over the PDF Storage Location
- Make sure there are no Offline or unreachable Printers in “Devices and Printers” in Windows
- Ensure that the Storage Location for PDF’s is on the MAS90/200 Application Server and not on a separate Server (Tip: The MAS200 service account needs to be domain administrator – the system account cannot see a UNC path and can no longer be used in v4.x).
- Try both sizes of CDINTF300.dll on the workstation. Swap them out then register them using REGSVR32.exe in Windows/System32 (or Windows/SysWow64 for 64 bit systems). Size reference for these DLL’s is located in Article E. For a copy of either of these DLL’s contact Sage Customer Support.
This issue seems overwhelmingly caused by security restrictions on the machine experiencing the issue, and is almost always a workstation environmental issue. Overall, the first step on a 4.30 installation is to make sure that the LM4046T patch is installed on the Server, then re-run workstation setup on the affected workstation. To tell if LM4046T is installed, look at the MAS90/Home folder on the Server. If the PDFInstall.exe file has a size of 136kb, the patch has not been installed. For 4.40 installations, this patch (Called LM4045T for 4.40) is included in Product Update 2 and later. After re-running workstation setup, it is always necessary to set the Port/Security on the Sage PDF Converter again.
If components fail to install in any way while processing these steps on a Windows 7 or Server 2008 machine, Disable UAC (User Account Control) in Windows and attempt the installation again. UAC might also cause this issue outright, test with UAC Turned off if all else fails.
Via: Sage Knowledgebase – Entry 524104 – Paperless Office hangs on printing, creates an 0kb PDF, creates a locked/unopenable PDF or appears to print but no PDF is generated when printing to a Windows 7 64bit workstation via MAS 90/200
Port and Security Steps for Windows 7 and Server 2008
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