We’ve just received a hot tip from consultant Myron Stevenson who experienced a W2 printing issue after applying Service Update 17 to MAS 90 or MAS 200 version 4.3. [UPDATE: Read below for fix ]
He say’s that if you apply service update 17 for MAS 90 and MAS200 version 4.3 that the W2 form printing for breaks printing of 941. Appears the Data Dictionary loses the Cobra fields. Sage is working on a high priority fix. For the time being hold off on applying Service Update 17.
Update: This appears to be a fix for the issue – PR4030-T – downloading the 2009 941 update will correct the issue. You do not have to rename any files just download and install the PR4030-T to the MAS 90 directory.

“Crystal print error: Error in …\MAS90\Reports\###-###\PR941A.rpt. Failed to open a rowset”, occurs when printing 941 form after installing service update 17 for version 4.30 in Sage MAS 90 and MAS 200.
Entry Type: Program Issue
Product: Sage MAS 90 ERP, Sage MAS 200 ERP
Application: Payroll
Version Reported:
For current information on this issue, please click the Engineering Status link above. To record the occurrence of this issue, respond Yes to the question, “Did this answer help you?”
“Crystal print error: Error in …\MAS90\Reports\###-###\PR941A.rpt. Failed to open a rowset”, occurs when printing 941 form after installing service update 17 for version 4.30 in Sage MAS 90 and MAS 200.
Steps to Duplicate:
In ABC company:
1. Install service update 17 for version 4.30 (v
2. Expand Payroll, Period End and double click Quarterly 941 Printing.
3. Click on print or preview
Expected Behavior:
941 form should print without error.
Possible Workaround:
Reinstall PR4030-t.