There is now a LinkedIn group for Sage MAS 90 and MAS 200 users and consultants to network and exchange ideas.
This unofficial group (it is neither sponsored by Sage or affiliated/endorsed by them) serves as a place for users of MAS 90 and MAS 200 to gather and get connected.
LinkedIn allows you to connect to other members across the country and exchange ideas as well as post your own thoughts to the discussion board. There is also an area to post jobs related items (either looking for a job or seeking someone for a position).
If you’re new to the concept of Social Media and perhaps a little unsure of its benefits, then LinkedIn is a great way to get started. LinkedIn is largely accepted as a business version of Facebook where companies encourage employees to create new contacts and network.
There is no charge to join LinkedIn and just about any topic is open for discussion.
DISCLAIMER: Just in case you missed it in the article above, this MAS90 LinkedIn group is not affiliated, endorsed, sponsored, or monitored by Sage in any way. The group is an independent use of the LinkedIn site to facilitate ease of MAS 90 or MAS 200 user/consultant communication.
Sage offers their own (excellent) Sage MAS Community Forums which provide direct feedback on product technical issues. Their Community forums ARE monitored by Sage and if you have a technical issue that you’d like to address directly to Sage are the most appropriate forum.
Naturally we strongly recommend that any issues first be discussed with your Sage Business Partner.