Perhaps from time to time you find yourself needing to send customers more than a gentle reminder of an overdue debt.
We’re pretty lucky that most of our clients are considerate of when their invoices are due and pay promptly.
However there is the occassional problem where we have to call. And call. And call. And then email.
No matter what we do there’s no getting paid.
Here’s one solution that you can try. I like to refer to it as the Best Email Collection letter ever.
I spotted it on the Internet here and the text of it reads as follows.
Hi [..],
A quick note to say that I am really disappointed that you have still not paid me the [..] that I’m owed for the work I did for you. In the grand scheme of things, it’s not a lot of money, but actually I think that this is more a matter of respect.
I have always been there at the drop of a hat to sort out any problems you might have. I love working with you and have always taken our relationship as more than just client/supplier. But if I can’t rely on you paying promptly or it takes several attempts and reminders to get my money, that’s not good business.
I’m not saying that I don’t want to work with you, I do. But if I don’t receive what I am owed within the next couple of days, I will have to think twice about helping you in the future.
Kind regards
That’s it.
While many people have told us the wording is harsh – and they’d never themselves use the letter – you’ll be surprised how well it works.
Try it and let me know how you do.
Source: A Beautiful Web Andy Clarke – author of Transcending CSS
Nice one! Thanks for sharing. I think it ties in nicely with the Ed Kless approach.
Nice one! Thanks for sharing. I think it ties in nicely with the Ed Kless approach.