1. Buy MAS 200
If your primary slowdown is in the posting or report generation process – MAS 200 will resolve most of the issue. Because Sage MAS 200 operates in a client server environment most users notice significant performance improvements.
2. Use Terminal Server
This is an effective “poor man’s Sage MAS 200”. Some consultants recommend Terminal Server and MAS 90 instead of MAS 200 because the licensing is cheaper and you can always use the Terminal Server to access other applications in your company.
The user of Terminal Server (versus running MAS 200 over an Internet connection) is almost always a better choice due to the drag that Crystal Reports will place on any Internet connection.
3. Exclude files from virus scanning
Be sure you exclude the following list of files from your anti-virus scanning.
Use a name brand anti-virus scanner and learn the proper way to configure it. We see a lot of companies who do not know how to exclude files or directories from constant scanning and believe that to be a major cause of MAS 90 or MAS 200 slow downs.
4. Add more memory
Memory is cheap. When in doubt buy twice whatever you think you need. More memory does increase performance.
5. Use a dedicated file server
If you’re running Sage MAS 90 on top of your Exchange Server which is on top of your normal network server – then it’s time to start splitting out some of your applications to their own server.
While Sage MAS 90 does not technically require its own server, if you are noticing performance problems you may want to seriously consider it.
jeniliaa says
Nice ..It help me for to know the speed Sage MAS 90 Nice i am using the windows server in my computer.After Broadband connected to it i usually check my Internet Speed test using the site ip-details.com
jeniliaa says
Nice ..It help me for to know the speed Sage MAS 90 Nice i am using the windows server in my computer.After Broadband connected to it i usually check my Internet Speed test using the site ip-details.com