Here’s some examples of items considered billable vs non-billable under our unlimited Schulz Consulting phone support plan for Sage 100 ERP (Formerly MAS90 and MAS200 ) Accounting Software.
Non-Billable Support
The items below are included under your unlimited phone support plan
- Questions about functionality in the core Sage 100 ERP modules
- Questions about error conditions in the core Sage 100 ERP modules – this includes our responses to them either via phone, email or remotely.
- Requests for links to information or resources that you can use to research items on your own.
Billable Consulting
- On-site work
- Installation and/or configuration of modules, upgrades, services packs, tax tables, IRD, workstation setups, FRX setup
- Any support for Visual Integrator, Crystal Reports, custom reports or Custom Office
- Troubleshooting of environment issues (networks, operating systems, etc)
- Research regarding new functionality , workarounds, new modules, new software
- Attendance at any third party demonstrations whether on-site or remotely
We do not provide hourly technical support.
Can we answer any additional questions for you?
Please use our free inquiry form and we’ll contact you promptly (Tip: The more detail you provide the better we can suggest how you may be able to resolve an urgent issue).