When starting Sage MAS 90 – “Security Warning Publisher could not be verified pvxwin32.exe”
While running Windows XP SP2 or higher, you try to run Sage MAS 90 which is located on your network.
You receive an error — “The publisher could not be verified”.
You are forced to confirm that you wish to run this program… each and every time you run it.
Note: Consult your IT Administrator or other qualified personnel prior to making any of the changes below. Schulz Consulting is not resonsible for any issues that may arise from the below changes.
Solution for Windows XP Pro users:
From the Windows START menu select Run and enter in gpedit.msc
Go to User Configuration >> Administrative Templates >> Windows Components >> Attachment Manager
Add “*.exe” to the “Inclusion list for moderate risk file types” setting.
“This policy setting allows you to configure the list of moderate risk file types. If the attachment is in the list of moderate risk file types and is from the restricted or Internet zone, Windows prompts the user before accessing the file. …”
This allows you to run an .exe from the Intranet zone without a prompt, but it will warn before running one from the Internet.
(If you search online, a lot of people are instructing to add *.exe to the list of low-risk file types, allowing .exe files to execute from anywhere on the Internet. A lot of other solutions that simply don’t work are floating around as well.)
More information on the use of the Microsoft Group Policy Editor can be found at this link:
For Windows XP Home:
Cause: This is an IE7 bug that’s been reported often (Microsoft calls it a “Feature”). When the executable is not on the local computer Windows runs it in Intranet context.
Windows XP Home Edition
Open “Internet Options”
1) Set security for intranet sites to low.
2) Add \\servername to your trusted sites.
Note: We have not tested the above XP Home solution as our clients are not typically using Windows XP Home. Use at your own risk.
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