Sage MAS 90 or 200 Menus Disappear
If you find that the Sage MAS 90 or 200 menus have suddenly disappeared:
1. First make sure someone did not drag the MAS 90 tasks off screen. Test this by selecting View Tasks from the MAS90 pull down menus.
2. If the menu disappeared as you were trying to add custom reports, take a look at where Sage MAS 90 or 200 is installed to. We have had instances where the MAS 90 drive letter was incorrectly mapped to a folder which was inside the MAS 90 folder.
Correct MAS 90 drive mapping will allow you to SEE the \MAS90 folder when you view the drive letter MAS 90 is installed to. If you are mapped INSIDE the \MAS90 folder then this is your problem — change the drive mapping so that you can see the \mas90 folder and re-run workstation setup.
3. For version 3.xx –> rebuild the menus by selecting File – Run – “SVMUPD” (no quotes) and selecting “ALL”.
4. For version 4.xx ->rebuild the menus by selecting File – Run – SYZCON At the command prompt, type:
? menus’compilemenu()
drop object menus
You’ll see either a 1 if the procedure succeeds or 0 if it fails
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