Object ProvideX.Script is invalid
To resolve this, close the installation. It may be necessary to End Task the hung installation.
Version 4.10 and earlier:
Navigate to your \mas90\home folder and locate the PVXCOM.EXE file.
Version 4.20 and later:
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Sage\Common Components and locate the PVXCOM.EXE
TIP: If you cannot find PVXCOM.EXE this probably means that the last time MAS90/MAS200 was installed it was done from another workstation. Log in from the workstation that you installed MAS90 from and complete the install there — or copy the common files to the server path (as shown above) and follow instructions by double clicking PVXCOM.EXE
Note: If you do not know where your Sage MAS 90 or 200 is installed, from the Sage MAS 90 or 200 main menu select the FILE – RUN option and type *INFO.
Double click PVXCOM. It will not show any response or message after double clicking. Attempt to re-run the installation and it should finish as normal.
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