I just had a customer whose payroll renewed in early March. Yet despite that renewal, they still were receiving the message ” Your payroll subscription has expired you can continue processing payroll for 45 days. Please contact Sage before xx/xx/xxxx to renew your subscription“
First: Verify The Sage 100 Payroll Subscription Was Renewed
The first step is to make sure your payroll renewal was actually processed. For this step, you should log in to the Sage portal to review the payroll expiration date.
You can also view the date Sage 100 thinks payroll expires by starting Sage 100 and selecting File – Run and typing *INFO.
If the expiration date on your Sage 100 payroll shows that the system was renewed and you are still receiving error messages then you’ll probably need to contact Sage.
If the expiration date shows that you are expired yet you are certain that Sage processed the renewal then proceed further and attempt to manually update your payroll keys.
There is an issue in Version 2017.1 and Version 2016.4 (ONLY) where the update button does not work, instead, you have to do the Edit / Activate for payroll subscription keys to be updated.

Second: Manually Refresh Your Sage 100 Payroll Keys
If you’ve verified that Sage received your renewal and you are still receiving an error message about your payroll soon expiring then try to refresh the keys manually within Sage.
This may be a two-step process.
Navigate to your Library Master – Setup – System Configuration – Registration Keys
Now click “Update”. In some cases it may tell you that you are up-to-date and there are no registration or subscription changes.
Next, click on EDIT and then Activate

If successful, you should see the “Activation was successful” message.

Now go back to File – Run and type *INFO to verify the next payroll subscription update date has been added to your Sage 100.
These instructions are valid for both Sage 100 and Sage 100cloud.
Please note, payroll updates and tax tables will no longer be available for Payroll versions 2017 or earlier after the December 2019 year-end.
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