While installing Sage ERP MAS 90 version 4.50 for a customer who was upgrading from another version I ran into a pesky error message — “The wrong version of Crystal Reports is installed on this workstation”.
The customer was running all their workstation on Windows 2003 via Terminal Services. This meant each user remotely accessed their Sage ERP MAS 90 workstation as opposed to having a local desktop.
Normally this issue is resolved either by:
– Installing the full version of Crystal Reports
– Re-running workstation setup
In this particular instance I did both of these without any relief from the error message.
What finally resolved the issue:
– Uninstalled the workstation setup
– Reinstalled workstation setup except instead of using the C: as I’d previously done I used a mapped drive letter and the “wrong version” error disappeared.
Additional information on this error can be viewed here.