First, I’m hopeful my competition is too lazy to find this post. You may not believe me when you read this – but it’s my secret marketing weapon. And it can become yours too – with just a little effort.
This really is a job posting. It’s a non-paying job — but it’s a job.
The only blog that I write for every morning from 4:30 to 7:30am (and often during the day) is looking for some volunteer writers.
What the hell does this have to do with Sage or accounting software?
- How many of you have web sites?
- How many of you update them every day?
- How many of you publish email newsletters?
Uh-oh — I don’t see many hands up on the last two questions….
If you’re in marketing, sales or just technical support — trust me when I tell you that the ability to write and publish online is THE skill for the coming years.
You don’t even have to write WELL – you just have to DO IT.
A huge (almost 100%) of your competition doesn’t do this because they never get started…..well, they get started — with excuses….lame stuff like – I don’t know how or what to write.. .or. I can’t spell/type/compose a sentence.
I was a “C student” at best in English. It was the subject I hated with a passion. Still do. Now it’s my most useful marketing tool ever.
If you’re thinking about how to get started writing/blogging — the web site I write for has an excellent opportunity to get your feet wet and learn how it all happens.
YOU have to make the effort though.
You’ll learn how to write stories, use WordPress, edit yourself, come up with interesting topics (if you think writing “how to select accounting software” twice a month is an interesting topic to most customers – you’re dead wrong)
Sure, the economy sucks and clients suck and business sucks and employees suck.
Perfect time for you to learn a new skill
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I was a C student in high school English too. Bloggers, unite!
I was a C student in high school English too. Bloggers, unite!
I may have stretched my scholastic abilities a little bit — let's say I survived
I may have stretched my scholastic abilities a little bit — let's say I survived